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October 13 - 15, 2024 - Parish Mission

Our 2024 Parish Mission
Mark your calendar for our Parish Mission October 13-15 at 6:30 p.m. (or 9:00 a.m. on Oct 14 & 15). “The Heart of a Community: Building Gospel Courage and Spiritual Wholeness Into Our Daily Lives” will look to Scripture and our ancient tradition for the wisdom we need in our turbulent times. Irish born Scripture scholar, poet and story-teller Tricia Hoyt will make us laugh, challenge us to think deeply and inspire us to live our Gospel calling more courageously.

Download / 2024 Parish Mission Flyer

2024 - Catholic Services Appeal

Catholic Services Appeal VIDEO

Please complete the pledge form and return it to the Parish Office or in the collection basket.

CSA Pledge Form

Consider enrolling in FlockNote

Parish eGiving